Their little hands grow so fast! Hand print art projects are my favorite! These hand print crafts make great Mother's Day gifts for mom or grandma. Truly a forever keepsake to be treasured!
Hand Print on Ceramic TileSupplies:
6X6 white ceramic tile
Bright colored acrylic paint for the hand print
Small foam paint brush
Paper plate for the paint
Krylon clear spray
1. Wipe off the tile to make sure it is clean.
2. Squeeze paint onto the paper plate and use a foam brush to paint your child's hand. Press your child's hand down on the tile.
3. Let the paint dry.
4. Spray a very thin layer of Krylon clear spray paint on the tile and let it dry completely. Add two more coats of clear paint, letting it dry between spraying.
Plaster Hand PrintsSupplies:
Plaster of Paris (this can be purchased at a craft store)
Mold (We used the aluminum to go salad container from Pizza Hut)
Margarine container or old bin for mixing
Paint stick for mixing (free at the paint counter at home supply stores)
Pencil for writing the child's name
Old T-shirt or paint smock
Cup for measuring water and plaster
1. Put on an old T-shirt or paint smock
2. In a margarine container or old bin, mix plaster with water according to the directions on the package. Mix well using the paint stick. Be sure not to breathe the plaster dust when measuring and mixing.
3. Let the mixture set for about 5 minutes, until it is the consistency of pancake batter.
4. Pour the mixture into your mold.
5. Help your child press her hand into the plaster pushing down each finger and the palm of the hand. Wash hands immediately.
6. If you do the hand print too early and the mixture still has too much liquid, simply wiggle the mold, shaking the plaster smooth and try again.
7. Use a sharp pencil to etch your child's name and the year into the plaster.
8. Press a paper clip or ribbon at the top if you'd like a hanger. I prefer to skip this step and display on a small plate stand.
This activity can be used as an Alphabetology alphabet activity for...
M for Mother's Day
G for gift
H for hand print