Great question. Reading and spelling are closely related. Good readers are most often good spellers. In the Scholastic article "How Children Learn to Spell" Louisa Moats writes, "Word knowledge builds systematically on other word knowledge. It's that cycle of success that teachers love to see develop: Learning begets learning. Most young children who are exposed to print in their homes spontaneously begin to experiment with writing." Reading to children early and often will help them love reading, become readers and spellers as well. So keep on reading!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
What Comes First Spelling or Reading?
Great question. Reading and spelling are closely related. Good readers are most often good spellers. In the Scholastic article "How Children Learn to Spell" Louisa Moats writes, "Word knowledge builds systematically on other word knowledge. It's that cycle of success that teachers love to see develop: Learning begets learning. Most young children who are exposed to print in their homes spontaneously begin to experiment with writing." Reading to children early and often will help them love reading, become readers and spellers as well. So keep on reading!
Playroom of My Dreams!
This is not my house but I wish they would invite me over to play. I know I am a grown up, but it looks like so much fun! Check out The Wonder Years blog for more pictures and information about this magical play space.
Favorite ABC Book!

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom is my favorite read aloud book for teaching the ABC's. If you get the CD of Ray Charles reading/singing the story it's even better!
Here is a cute You Tube version of the book.
Teach the ABCs with this fun and easy Chicka Chicka Boom Boom art activity. Just scroll down a bit on the Kinder by Kim page. Make an oh so cute edible coconut tree.
Get more ideas for teaching the ABCs with the grab and go guide Alphabetology.
D is for Dot Paints- Fun Without the Mess!

Say "yes" to painting without the huge mess to clean up! I love dot paints! We purchased a set of six dot paints at Michaels craft store(search online for coupons before heading to the store.)
Here a few ideas for using dot paints...
*Print out or write a letter "D" on paper and decorate it with dot paints
*Write your child's name with a black pen and have your child dot paint his/her name.
*Practice counting out loud while dot painting
*Roll a dice and paint the number of dots on a scrap of paper
*Check out Tot School's fabulous Do-A-Dot Upper Case Alphabet Letters or Home School Creations pdf dot activities.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Mompetition: This is funny but kind of true!

Can't we just be friends and be different? It is hard enough being a parent without being judged harshly by others over simple differences. Time Magazine posted a silly but true article spotlighting a funny (adult funny, but don't show the kids) YouTube video poking fun at "mompetition." I just don't have the energy to deal with competitive mamas, so I steer clear. Gratefully, I have a large circle of supportive mom friends who are accepting and encouraging. What has been your experience?
Check out the article and funny youtube video. Click here!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Using Scissors! The right way and the wrong way...

The kids and I were at lunch a few days ago and parents of cute little children in the next booth over were discovering patches of missing hair on their son's strawberry blond head. Chunks of hair had been trimmed by his helpful older brother. Oh, how many of us have been there! Cole cut his hair as a toddler and he did quite a job of it!
Alphabetology is all about fully preparing children for school success and this includes fine motor skills like using scissors. We sing a great song in our Parents and Children Learning Together preschool class to help teach children how to hold scissors. The Cutting Song is sung to the tune of Frere Jacques...
Thumb on top
Thumb on top
Cut, cut, cut
Cut, cut, cut
Turn the paper
Turn the paper
Not the scissors
Not the scissors.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Dad's the Best!
Shawn is off on a Boy Scout backpacking trip with our oldest son. Since I am on Summer Break from teaching- I am having a bit of fun being crafty! There are so many amazing blogs and ideas. So get some Dad's Rootbeer and get ready to spoil dad. I get 364 so he can have his one I guess.
Crazy Tie Tradition:
Tie-riffic Ideas from:
Tie Banner:
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Fabulous Photo Gift for Dad
Cut out and decorate over sized letters to spell "DAD." Take some pictures of your child or children posing with the letters for a custom Father's Day gift Dad will love showing off at work. Saying "I love you" in sign language makes the photo even sweeter!
dad letters,
fathers day,
photo gift
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